
NOTE: Photo size must be less than 100 Kb or it will not post on the forum. This has been a common problem for those trying to get their photo to upload. Use your Photo Shop (or similar) program to resize photo to less than 100 Kb..

If you just want to read and post threads to this forum, it is not ever necessary for you to Log In. However, if you want to add a photo with your post (or use some other advanced features we'll discuss later), you must Log In to the forum using your user name and password. You can generate the username and password by clicking the "Create an Account" link (located in the gray bar above the forum posts) and filling in the info requested in the pop up box. Once done, click the "Create Account" button at the bottom. You now have a Log In account at this forum. Record your username and password somewhere safe for future use. 

Note: Although it looks like a lot of steps to post a photo, most of it is intuitive and after you do it once or twice, you probably won't need to reference the instructions below again.

Instructions for Doing Posts with a Photo Included

(Important Note - Make sure photo is less than 100 kb in size, otherwise, the process below will not work)

1. Click the "Log In" button on the gray bar above the posts and enter your username and password (see above to get these) in the popup box. Then click the gray Log In button. You are now logged in to the forum.
2. Click the "Post Now" button at the top right corner of the gray bar above the posts. The posting text box will now pop up.
3. At the bottom of the posting text box, click the "Insert Object" button. The Web Page Dialog Box will pop up.
4. In the upper left corner of the Web Page Dialog Box, click the "Temporary Files" link. You may have to wait about 20 seconds, then you will see the "Upload" button in the lower left of the box light up yellow indicating it's active.
5. Click the yellow "Upload" button and you will see a gray "Browse" icon show up in the center of the box.
6. Click the "Browse" button and navigate to the location on your hard drive where you have your photo stored.
7. Click once on your desired JPEG photo (use only those with .jpg extension), then click the open button. You will now see the path to your selected photo on your computer shown in the window next to the "Browse" icon.
8. Click the "Upload" button just to the right of the "Browse" button. Your photo will now appear in the right side of the Web Page Dialog Box.
9. Click the "Insert Link" button at the bottom right of the Web Page Dialog Box. You will now be returned to the Posting Text Box. You will see a link in there to your photo now stored on the Forum 54 system.
10. Add whatever text you want to accompany your photo and click the "Post" button at the very bottom of the Posting Text Box.
Congratulations - you're Done! Click your post to see your photo and post.





















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Click on image of my car above to play video