Note: Click thumbnails to enlarge pictures.
Paul Cassel, 429 SCJ Mach 1
Edward von Past, 429 CJ T5 Mach 1, Sweden (previously owned
by Jerry Bryant)
Jim Ginger, 429 SCJ Mach 1
Jim Ginger, 429 CJ Mach 1
Ron Gregory, 1973 Mach 1, 429 CJ
Steve Causey, 460 powered Mach 1
Len Zimmerman, 429 CJ Mach 1
Rolf and Brigitte Rickes, two 429 CJ Mach 1's, Germany
Rick Williams, 429 CJ Mach 1
Mitch Lewis, 429 CJ Cougar
Harry Fink, 429 CJ Mach 1
Carl Todd, 429 SCJ Mach 1
Scott Taylor, 429 CJ Cougar XR7 Hardtop